My adorable bouncing little Tigger

Tigger is my Partner's Favourite...
so I decided to design this adorable bouncing little guy
 this time on my nails...

I used a gradient of light blue and
 sparkling white with a touch of green for the background...

After finishing my Tigger,
(that I made all with Acrylic Paint Colors)
I top coated with Matte Polish for a more kind of Cartoon finish...

Hope you like it as much as I do...
 See you soon with more creations!


  1. oh my goodness! This is sooooo cute. Eeyore is my favorite. He's so funny

    1. I will make them all slowly cause they are all amazing small creatures lol...
      Eeyore is my Favorite tooooooooo! :))) My coffee mug is with him

  2. This is so cute and well painted - love it!

  3. The detail - wow!! Nicely done!


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