Nail-Aween Nail Art Challenge Day 1 Water Marble

Happy Nail-Aween Everyone!!!

This is an amazing new TEN Days Challenge hosted by the sweetness Dalhia
What excite me most of this challenge (part from the theme) is that is in our own pase so we have 31 days to complete 10 manicures
woo-hooooooo and BOOOooooo as it all are for Halloween 
*evil grin*

So Day 1 is Water Marble....
To be frank I never have done again any Water Marble
I always thought will be too messy and never tried it
but thanks to the challenge here is my very first one and I really Loved the Technic as you have NO chance of not messing it up... 
and most important 

The crew that follows this great challenge is all very talented 
and is worth having a peak on their pages... 

(This LONG List includes blogs and FB pages)

To have an idea of what will be on my nails soon
This is the 10-Day Programme 

If you still want to participate you can, there is still Time...
Just make sure to sign up before OCTOBER 10. 
 You can sign up on the Facebook Event page 

Stay tuned...
Cause Lots of fun will follow!



  1. I like your water marble! It turned out great for your first try!

    I just wanted to point out Sassy Nails' name is Dahlia...I'm Gini, from Sassy Paints...hence the confusion. LOL

    Good luck on the rest of the challenge! =)

    1. Oh thank u for the note... am very sorry for the mistake (old age) and thanks for your sweet saying xoxo

  2. This is excellent for any marble, let alone your first! I hope to see more front you soon!


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